Welcome back to another weekly Dev blog!
Hello! It’s a pleasure to meet you! I’m ArkZky, a developer in charge of video editing. Just to give you a brief idea of my work, I helped make the recent Sandbag trailer and the homepage for this website. Well, leaving that aside, today I’m going to present you a really special developer blog.
You’re going to take a quick look into the world of the SSF2 development team and witness a bunch of bugs we had to face during the development of SSF2 Beta.
As you may have been wondering, the SSF2 dev team is a unique place where everyday something different is happening. There have been many discussions held about different aspects of the game, from character design, to balance, stages and music. I love how casual and pleasant the atmosphere feels, you never feel strained in any way (even when you’re a new member!)
Because of that, the interaction between devs is (usually) really friendly and fun! In between working on projects, we’re sort of a bunch of goofballs..

When it comes to people who’ve known each other for a long time, the interaction between them reaches another level!

This helps us to make the work lighter and more enjoyable, even more than it already is! Overall, it’s an amazing place to be and I’m very thankful to be there.

So now that you know a little more about the dynamics of the team, you’re ready to see everything we’ve been through for development of SSF2 beta!
Now… Get ready!
Well that’s all from me! I hope you enjoyed this special dev blog as much as I did, I’ll see you all again very soon!